About Ontario Phone Cards

Ontario Phone Cards is a division of North America Phone Cards Inc - an independent North American Phone Card Distributor. We offer the widest selection of Canadian Phone Cards supplied by many long distance telephone companies. We offer Canada's most popular phone cards (CiCi, Premier Plus, 2020, Gold) as well as less popular, but reputable and reliable phone cards. We do not promote any specific phone cards or long distance companies and have no preferences about which phone card to sell. Our mission is to help you find the best phone card for your needs. We e-mail Your Phone Card to you in Seconds! No account registration is required!

Customer Service: Phone Cards

Ontario Phone Cards is a phone card reseller. All phone card related problems or questions have to be addressed by calling customer service telephone numbers provided with your card.




1-877-503-2163 or 416-245-1132

Customer Service: Billing, Email Order Delivery or PINs

If you have problems related to Billing, Order email delivery, PIN number or other Web site related problems please click here to contact Ontario Phone Cards customer service.