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Canada Calling Card

Canada Calling Cards: 2009 Guide

The Phone Card Depot Guide aggregates the following calling card information and ranks the calling cards accordingly.

  • Most Purchased Canada Calling Card:  Total purchases from new and returning customers.
  • Most Repeat Purchases:  The average number of cards of this brand re-purchased:  per user.
  • Most Used:  Phone Card Depot anonymously scours our Canadian calling records to determine which cards are most actively used.
  • Customer Reviews:  a bonus or deduction is applied to each score based on the net positive or negative reviews.

Results:  The Best Canadian Calling Cards of 2008.

Using the results from the criteria above, we assign each card a rating out of 10.  The top ranked card is always given 10/10 and other results are relative to this card..
  1. CiCi Calling Card (10/10)
  2. Aveo Calling Card (9.72/10)
  3. Gold Calling Card (8.59/10)
  4. First Choice Calling Card (8.12/10)
  5. SIFA Calling Card (7.23/10)

*Remember that calling rates and destinations have not been taken into account.  You should search the rates for your calling destination prior to purchase.

All of these cards can be purchased here at Phone Card Depot.



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